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Mandi has been creating art from her early childhood. Drawing was her main forte. Throughout her primary and middle school education in the heart of Worcestershire, England she was often praised for her ability to sketch photographs to an exact likeness but she felt restricted within her abilities. When Mandi reached high school she decided to take Art where she began to find her own way, she experimented with colour for the first time as she had always sketch in black on white papers. She began working with different mediums and experiencing the beauty in different textures and techniques other than her own and what had come naturally. In truth at this point she became a beginner again, as a child when most were finger painting Mandi was drawing a detailed likeness of her fingerprints, she had never let loose of structure and allowed herself to feel her way through art until now. During her time at high school Mandi filled 4 A3 size sketch books with creations instead of the one that was mandatory. She passed her exam at the top of her class and went on to pursue art in college.

Her current style is a mixture or psychedelic art mixed with the fantasy she loved to copy as a child, unicorns, fairies, mermaids and other such creatures. She works with both black and white and colour. Her latest collection ‘Mushroom Heart 2015’ is a series of extra-terrestrial and multidimensional works highly inspired by Alice in wonderland, note the reoccurrence and naming of Mushroom Heart.

Mandi See

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